Wednesday, 2 October 2013


I came out here with so many expectations - or perhaps lack of expectations - and Africa, Rwanda even has taken me somewhere completely unexpected.

Being here is so far beyond my comfort zone than I had ever anticipated.  Not only must I contend with a new job, new house, new friends, new language - I am learning to rely on others - to simply trust in the goodness of others - letting go of my independence and accepting help to do the most basic of tasks.  It is a somewhat humbling experience.

Despite language barriers and cultural differences, I have had the fortune of people (colleagues) bending over backwards to source things for me and assist me in setting up my life here.  I am constantly being told how happy people are to meet me and have me in the village/school.  I am not sure why they feel this way but hope that I will be able to give back something to warrant such generosity and praise.

I'll break up this post a bit with some pictures:

This is the secondary school that is attached to my Teacher Training College (TTC) - or at least the last year of secondary school 'senior 6' - when they leave, these buildings will become part of the TTC:

This is the TTC with the 'playground'

The rooms on the right-hand side are mine.  It includes the TRC (teacher resource centre) and my classroom.

The staffroom.

As promised, some pictures of my walk last week to the market which I am told is 20km away from where I live?!?...

Just ahead is the market

And a picture of me...just so you can see that I am still alive and well :)  This is my friend/colleague Manzi and Saundra, the daughter of my principal's domestic help.  Every morning, she calls out to me from her window and asks me questions in Kinyarwanda that I do not understand...


What has surprised me most about being here is how open people are about their faith.  They are excited when I tell them that I am a christian and with each conversation I have with people, I am blessed by their trust in God.  Many people have shared with me their family history - and it is not something that is talked about here as a result of the horrific events of '94.  Most of my colleagues lost parents and siblings and have therefore started their family again, marrying young to rebuild their lives.  Yet one thing stands - their trust in God and His faithfulness.  Despite their great loss, they ALL have such hope for the future.

I came here, not with the intention to be a 'missionary' although I partly expected (and partly feared) that that was what God had in store for me here.  Yet, I have found that it is I who is being ministered to.  I cannot fathom how one can still have such faith when all that you hold dear is destroyed or taken from you right before your very eyes - their hope, trust and joy seems inexplicable and quite possibly incomprehensible - yet it is there.


Yesterday I visited the protestant choir in my school, they prayed a blessing over me and have invited me to attend service on Sunday.  The singing was beautiful, even though I did not understand a word of what was sung, I witnessed and felt a genuine joy and conviction in the way they worshipped.  I do hope to visit the church (which is actually held in my classroom at school) but know that it will be difficult as it is held in Kinyarwanda.  One of the student-teachers told me that they were hoping to start an English service and asked if I would be interested in leading it...never have I thought that I would be a pastor or preacher!  Actually, I'm not even sure I would be allowed to under my contract with VSO?!

So this is me for now.  Thank you for all who have commented about previous posts on FB - it is nice to know that I am in people's thoughts and prayers!  :)


  1. Beautiful! The irony of having less, is actually more. Thank you May! =) x

  2. Ah May, love reading your posts! What amazing things you're experiencing! Often I miss you so much, sometimes I feel worried about you, and sometimes I'm just SO excited for you! Not easy experiences, but incredible to read :). PTL for the internet!! Lots of love Rach xxx

  3. such a humbling experience to read your posts. I am always looking forward to reading your new entries because every time I read, I am encouraged and strengthened in my faith! Love xxxx
