Monday, 23 September 2013

Quiet and gentle reminders...

I am the Pied Piper Of Hamelin...everywhere I go, I am followed by a swarm of children (and sometimes adults) who dare each other to touch me as if I have magical powers.  "Muzungu, muzungu"  - 'white person, white person' they call out to favourite today came from a lil' child no older than 3 who called out 'Muhuro, muhuro' - I am told that he could not yet say the word 'muzungu' and was therefore coming out with his own version.  Reminds me of life in Japan - 'gaijin': alien person or how Chinese people say 'gwai-lo': ghost man - not entirely pc but that's the culture...

Today I was reminded of God's hand over me.  I was walking with a colleague and the path we took had many peaks and troughs (steep ones at that) and he said to me, 

'It is like life, when I'm climbing the slopes, I think of all the hard times but then when I am going down, I think of the easy life.  May, you have nothing to fear, your family may not be here but you have Jesus first and then you have us now.  We will look after you too.'

I wanted to cry there and then but I did not.

My day started with me being introduced to the 700 students in the Teacher Training College.  The students range from 15 - 20yrs old.  They are all training to be teachers.  These however are not my students.  It's hard to explain, but I am in effect training/working with the teacher-trainers.  So I am teaching teachers to teach future-teachers how to teach.  My main focus is to develop the use of resources and this is a challenge because there is no photocopier, laminator or endless pens and paper at my disposal.  I LOVE IT!  Now's the time to let all my creative juices run free :)

I will post photos of my workplace soon.


A note to myself:  When an African person tells you that somewhere is not far, do not trust them!  

Today my colleague took me to the 'local' market which takes place on Mondays and Fridays only.  We set off at 10am and only by 11ish had we arrived after hiking around various mountains...just to get some fruit and veg for my meals this times lie ahead!

(Trying to upload photos but it's not happening right now)  The views however were spectacular, I simply was not prepared for such a journey.  The return trip was much shorter but I felt very guilty as my companion carried my groceries back for me.  At various points, we shared the load but that would only last for about 5 minutes before he noticed me struggling :)  The path was never even and there were a couple of stream crossings with logs that I had to walk along like a tight-rope walker - I am sure by the end of my stay here I will have perfect balance and beautifully sculpted arms and legs :)

I leave you now with the song that I listened to at school today :)

Hide me now
Under Your wings
Cover me
Within Your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father you are King over the flood
I will be still, know You are God

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father You are king over the flood
I will be still, know You are God

Still - Hillsong United


  1. Amen! Pray that you will find your church that you can call "home" soon.
    Love xxxx

  2. Thanks for reading Ai! I am glad that you are praying for me :)
