I thought I'd write a list of some of the quirks that I'll find strange being back in London - many of the things cross over into Kate's list.
So here goes, in no particular order - and apologies on the length of it:
- A toilet that flushes
- A seat that is properly fixed and fitted to the toilet
- Hopefully not having to pee in a bush next to a colleague...(yes, that happened once - we were at a funeral and there was nowhere to go...she just suddenly lifted up her skirt, squatted and indicated I do the same...not in sight of others mind, but hidden behind some bushes...)
- Water coming out of a tap and more specifically, HOT water coming out of a tap
- What's a jerry-can? Storing water? Whyever would you do that? Collecting rainwater - who does that?
- Baths and showers...no more bucket washes! Wahoo!
- Walking out of my door and not feeling like a zoo animal/celebrity (there is a fine line!)
- No 'muzungu, muzungu' cries out of nowhere
- Having clean feet
- The absence of 6am sunrises and 6pm sunsets where the sun blazes red and the mist blankets the lush green hills and valleys - of course there'll be sunrises and sunsets but I'll likely be sleeping or still at work...
- The limited view of stars, planets, constellations...not being able to see the Milky Way even! :(
- Being faced with a variety and choice of food, flavours and brands - not being restricted to '4 carbs on a plate' type of meal...not a cassava or cooked green banana in sight
- Oven, microwave, gas hobs, kettle, toaster, sandwich toaster...at least I can light a charcoal stove now!
- Having supermarkets, bakeries, clothes shops, shoe shops, make-up counters - endless choice and at any time of the day...consumerism beyond need and even logic...
- Not having to handwash my clothes - having a washing machine and a dish washer...(also known as 'mother'...)
- Receiving calls from said-mother at 6pm asking if I'll be home for dinner...or when I'll be home because it is late and a single girl shouldn't be travelling around so late at night alone...I'll forever be 6 years old in her eyes...
- No longer receiving random calls from strangers that I do not recall giving my number to...I will continue to ignore numbers that are not stored in my contacts...
- Not being run over/surrounded by a mass of Moto-taxis - can't quite see black cabbies doing that...
- Having a free hand where once a moto-helmet was surgically attached to it...
- Giving thanks that waiting an hour for a bus is acceptable because it's far better than waiting for hours on end for it to FILL and be full before it moves
- Rush-hour squeeze has nothing on 26 people wedged into a 15-seater bus - or being sat on by the 'convoy'...
- The sight of people using toothpicks to not only dig out the goat wedged in their teeth but also having a good dig in their ears too...replaced with people simply digging for gold on the tube/bus...(which they also do here in Rwanda but worst of all, they often reach out to shake your hand with the dirty member/s upon seeing you...)
- Monday night family Skypes will be done IN PERSON!!! Hello Olive, hello Max :)
- Being woken by the sound of cars rather than mooing cows and bleating goats
- "Callixte, uri he?" Where are you night guard?
- Walking freely down the street without having to greet EVERYONE that passes me by - ignoring and being ignored, gotta love British culture/conservativeness
- Where 8am meetings actually start at 8am...
- Being stuck in traffic - joys! Driving again = scary but liberating!
- Buggies and having my ankles bruised by them and men with babies...not a man in sight with a baby strapped to them but women are a-plenty, even during trainings and meetings
- Mutzig and Primus do not get a look in when cocktails, prosecco and champagne are on offer
- Simply getting into bed, no faffing around with tucking in the mossie-net...or sleeping in a sleeping bag liner in dodgy guesthouses...
- Fitted sheets and duvet covers :)
This list could go on - perhaps it'll need a second installment next time - maybe when I've actually moved back to London. My flight date has been set for the Easter weekend - 4th/5th April...watch this space.
Safe journey home Makkers!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Muzungu, this urban village awaits your return!