Sunday, 18 January 2015

New Year's Resolutions (NYR)

Is it too late to make New Year's Resolutions?

For many years now, I have not made any NYR, probably because I either forget them or just never stick to them.  I remember for a few years running, I had a ‘bring someone to Christ’ resolution – I began with praying for that person and asking God to bring someone into their lives to share the love of Jesus with them, then realised that I should be praying that that person be me. 

I’m not an evangelist by nature and I feel uncomfortable with the notion that ‘I know better’ because in truth, I don’t.  So instead of constantly ‘telling’ people about Christ, I just lived my life as to how I believe/d was in line with the Bible and His ways – and should someone ask I would happily tell them about Christ in my life – or I would casually mention ‘my faith’ as a reason for doing/living a certain way just to start the ball rolling.  Doubt always played/plays heavily on my mind - but doubt is not the same as regret and I have not regretted decisions I've made.  Hindsight is a beautiful thing.  In every mistake or ‘poor choice’ I made, grace brought be back to who Christ is and made something out of what was seemingly undoable - and those testiments are easy to share because to me, they're solid examples of God working in me/us.   I don’t believe I was gifted with the art of preaching and that’s what always scared me in talking about God to others.  Miraculously, God always gave me the words when the occasion arose – so perhaps I should be praying for more occasions?    

I only know of one person that I prayed for actually coming to Christ – I’m not entirely sure about the rest, maybe I should never give up on praying for them?  Maybe that should be my NYR?  Watch out non-believing friends – I may not be actively talking about Christ with you, but it doesn’t mean that I’m not praying for you!  Scared?  You should be!

On a less sinister sounding note – here are a few pictures of my celebrations of the year-end and the start of the new year…

Christmas in Rusizi, W. Rwanda, by Lake Kivu - some of the ladies in their African fabric dresses

Secret Santa participants - a mixture of VSO volunteers and family/friends of volunteers

Lake Kivu with DRC on the other side

Inzu Lodge, Gisenyi - The top of Lake Kivu 
If you're getting a sense of 'de ja vu' - well that's because I celebrated Christmas and NY in Rusizi and Gisenyi last year too!  But then I did something a bit different...

I headed to Musanze and met with a few volcanoes.
This is Sabyinyo - one of the 5 volcanoes in Rwanda.  I climbed this to see...

Yes, a, I trekked for an hour to find...

...mountain (silver-back) gorillas

This is the moment when a mother gorilla came charging down the hill and sat behind me with her baby - "just sit still" was the advice of our guide and, "no photos" - obviously not heeded by one of my travel companions (thankfully!)

So the year has begun well - a little over 2 months left of my time here, time is passing me by far too quickly.  What to do next?!?

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