Sunday, 2 March 2014


I don't know where to begin with this post having written my last one not so long ago about sourcing local materials to make resources BUT, there are things that I know are of excess out there that would be HIGHLY appreciated out here…

So, here is a list of some of the things that would be MOST appreciated:
  • A new nursery has started within my TTC to enable students here to do teaching practice.  Unfortunately, the TTC did not think it through very carefully and there are NO resources for the nursery.  I have made a couple of rice-sack dolls and cars - but children being children, they did not last a day with their rough handling.  The other volunteer blogged about this and he had an AMAZING response with people sending 2 huge crates of duplo-bricks, toy cars and other toys. So this is a shout-out for anyone with kids who wants to get rid of some of their toys/books/cds - send them out here please…
  • As mentioned in my last blog post, my TTC is equipped with 8 computers (still running Windows 2000?) and two working printers.  Does anyone know who I can write to to see if they would donate/sponsor a new computer lab so that our 800 students can actually do the research that they need for their studies?
  • Arts equipment - paintbrushes, paints, ink pads (we're making stamps and tiles for printing)…
  • Sports equipment - various balls (football/volleyball/tennis balls), pumps/needles - surely there's someone I can write to for this.  Actually, it would be great if we could get an EVEN field/court to play on…

Students play on this in flip-flops and sometimes bare-footed too.  It actually looks pretty decent here…but there are rocks and ditches everywhere!
  • I finally made it to church this week - in fact, I attended choir practice yesterday and church today.  To respect the new rules of the TTC being an 'English zone' only, the church is beginning to move from Kinyarwanda songs to English worship songs.  (Although the sermons are still being given in Kinyarwanda - and yes, I've been asked to 'preach' again - I've told them that there's a difference between teaching and preaching and the latter I find hard to do - but they're not accepting that as an excuse…)  I spoke to the 'president' of the New Ministry group, a self-taught pianist who is PASSIONATE about worship - only he doesn't have access to music & lyrics for many of today's modern worship songs.  CALLING CHURCH PEEPS - Would you be willing to donate CDs/music books of worship music? - surprisingly, they are really into Hillsong, Tim Hughes, Matt Redman, Reuben Morgan, Chris Tomlin…I've been asked to TEACH these songs - if you know me, I am musically inept - my only instrument being my voice and I haven't used that in a LONG time.  But I'm excited by this group of young adults (even if they are not treated as adults…they are!) - they are a small group but have beautiful voices - and so powerful too!
And then on a more personal note for ME :) 
  • Food items: Nuts, dried fruit, packet soups, chocolate (Lindt Lindor/Pretzel M&Ms/malteasers), jerky, biscuits, cereal/muesli bars
  • Books (I don't have a Kindle/iPad…perhaps I should get one for the convenience…hm…)/music CDs/DVDs - I bought Sherlock series 3 episode 1 on iTunes the other day and it said that it would take 108hours to download - needless to say I didn't d/l it.
But most of all, I just love a good ol' fashion letter/card and if there's a photo or two included, that's just a bonus :)

Thanks peeps - any advice about sourcing the above would be FAB!  And just in case you can't find my address on this site:

May Mak
℅ TTC St. J. Baptiste, Cyahinda
PO Box 224, Butare
E. Africa

Got to get ready for bed - 5am start for me tomorrow.  Off to observe/supervise 3 students on internship/placement in a school 2 hours from me, the bus leaves at 5.30 - then I'll be jumping on a moto at 7ish for about 1/2hour…LONG journey ahead :(

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