Friday, 23 August 2013

2 weeks left...

T-minus 2 weeks before I'm off...eek!

I'm constantly being asked, 'how are you feeling?' and in all honesty - I don't know.

Am I excited?  Yes.
Am I nervous?  Yes.
Am I ready? - what is ready?  Am I packed?  Nope - not entirely sure what I'm supposed to bring...
Do I know what my address is out there?  Nope.  I don't even know what my accommodation is going to be like - will it have running water?  Will there be electricity?  All I know is I'm house-sharing with a fellow (female) volunteer and that I'll be living near the teacher training college (whatever 'near' means!?)

This is what I have been doing:

  • catching up with people and saying my goodbyes
  • getting immunised (11 injections in total - 3x rabies, 3x hep B, hep A, yellow fever, typhoid, MMR (measles, mumps & rubella - although I distinctly remember having measles on Christmas day when I was a kid...) and pdt - polio, diphtheria and tetanus.
  • getting all my First Aid Kit together - 1 yr's supply of antimalarials - check; 1 course of malaria treatment - check; antiseptic cream - check; asthma inhalers - check...need to get so much more...
  • shopping?!?! - I keep buying shoes?!?
  • year's supply of contact lenses ordered
Things I need to do:
  • begin learning Kinyarwanda (local dialect spoken in Rwanda)
  • brush up on French - ok, so I might have taught the BASICS last year but I would not be able to hold a conversation with anyone, I took my GCSEs over half my life-time ago!!!
  • read up on the history of Rwanda - this I am's too disturbing to think about :(
  • write a check list of things to buy/take
  • tidy-up/life-laundry of belongings at home ready for storage
  • sort out car stuff and other bills for home
The list is endless.  But I have hope.  I have peace.